Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the Parish: Juhanon Mar Thoma Memorial Welfare Centre was renamed as Juhanon Mar Thoma & Silver Jubilee Memorial Centre (J.M. & S. J. M Centre) a registered Trust [Reg. No. F-10756 (BOM) under the Bombay Public registered Trusts Act & Reg. No. GBBSD/611/85 under Societies Registration Act], constituted for community care and developmental programmes, aiming to bring about socio-economic upliftment of the poor and the needy, irrespective of caste, creed, language or religion and for other social and charitable works.
Senior Fellowship Association revived and renamed as Seniors’ Fellowship in our parish on 07-10-1985
Worship service began at Marol for members in Marol and Sakinaka prayer groups.
Watch Night service began at our parish on 31-12-1985