Golden Jubilee Year of the Parish ushered in. The inauguration was presided over by Rt. Rev. Dr. Abraham Mar Paulos Episcopa – Diocesan Bishop, on April 11, 2009
Golden Jubilee ‘logo’ was selected for use during the year.
The Parish Website launched.
Projector-Display system installed in the Parish.
A Plot of land at Jawahar Taluka, Thane Dist., was purchased in the name of Mumbai Diocese in September 2009, for construction of a Community Centre.
Koinonia Fest held at the parish premises on November 8, 2009.
Felicitated ‘Golden Couples’ (couples who have completed 50 years of marriage) on Dec. 27, 2009, and mementos presented at the hands of the Suffragon Metropolitan Rt. Rev. Dr. Zacharias Mar Theophilus.
Former Members of the parish residing elsewhere were invited and felicitated.
Exhibition of photographs from archives was held.
Former office bearers of the parish were felicitated at the function held on Dec. 27.
Former Vicars/Asst. Vicars were invited and felicitated during the Golden Jubilee Year.
Golden Jubilee Project “Construction of Additional Floor” was blessed by the Suffragon Metropolitan Rt. Rev. Dr. Zacharias Mar Theophilus and plaque unveiled, at the function held on December 27, 2009
Started 50 days chain prayer meetings at members’ residences during the Great Lent period.
Started Higher Education Loan Project (HELP).
Conducted the first Ecumenical Convention at our church under the auspices of Mumbai Ecumenical Christian Committee (MECC)