The past one year has been a very different experience and a great learning journey for the members of the Youth Fellowship (YF). We give glory to our Lord Jesus Christ in the way he has led us through this year (2020-21). With an aim of reaching out to the youths of the Church, YF aims to be a platform for the youths to partner in Parish, Mission and other outreach activities. It is also a forum for the youths of the Parish to discuss matters regarding everyday struggles and matters related to spirituality.
We are thankful to Rev. Thomas K Jacob, the President of the YF and Rev. Nitin John Chacko, the Vice President of YF for their able leadership, support and guidance through the last one year that has helped us immensely.
This year, virtual youth meetings were held every Sunday since April 2020, after the Holy Communion service via Google Meet and Zoom meeting. The meetings were led by both achens. The sessions started with song and bible reading, followed by a message or a discussion on contemporary topics/matters related to faith, which was led by Achen. This year, each of attending members also gave a short meditation during the meeting. On some of the Sundays, there were activities like Quiz and Games, all based on Biblical themes.
YF held a virtual one-day retreat on February 14 2021, via Zoom. The theme of the retreat was ‘Encounter with Christ’. The Chief Guest and the Key Speaker for the retreat was Rev. Tom John, Youth Chaplain, Mumbai Diocese.
Two members of YF, Mr. Jebin Cherian and Mr. Sherry Paul participated in the online Intensive Training Institute (ITI)- a one-month training course in bible, theology, religion and spirituality, organized by Marthoma Yuvajana Sakhyam, Marthoma Theological Seminary, Kottayam held in October 2020
Five members also took part in the Kalamela 2021 organized by Marthoma Yuvajana Sakhyam held in February 2021. Ms. Sancia Mary Sam won 3rd prize in English and Malayalam Solo singing and Mr. Sherry Paul secured 2nd place in Quiz competition.
YF members participated in the 50-day Lent meditation video series ‘Cross: Overcoming fear with hope’.
Members of YF have also been actively participating and assisting in church worship service.
We would like to thank our Achens, Rev. Thomas K Jacob and Rev. Nitin John Chacko for their guidance and whole hearted support. We remain thankful to all our office bearers and office staff of the Church and all our elders who were very supportive.
The YF is also thankful to all the members who actively participated and contributed their time and efforts towards the smooth functioning of the organization. Above all we are thankful to God for all that he has done for us in the last year. We pray that He will make us a useful instrument in His hand.